Articles in this category Services Services are modular plug and play configurations that add (or remove) functionality from your merchant account. WAPPoint provides merchants with 2 service types, Transaction Services and Module Servi... Customers Customers contain basic information on who the transaction is for and where notifications and confirmations are submitted to. A customer object is required to be associated to a transaction object bef... Transactions Transactions are the starting point in preparing a payment. They are the containers that hold information about a particular payment, collection or refund between a third-party payment processor and W... Contracts In WAPPoint's context Contracts act as plans and/or agreements between the Merchant and the Customer when performing regular queue of transactions, known as recurring or subscription transactions. A s... Mandates Mandates are the authorisation resource to allow a merchant to transact on a customers bank account. A mandate is associated to a contract internally when the customer chooses debit order as their pay... Events Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in your account. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new Event object. For example, when a transaction is created, w...